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Planning Board Minutes 02/05/2015
February 5, 2015
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:  Jeanne Cahoon (Alternate)     Chris Condon (Chair)            Michael Frosch (Member) Bob Holmes (Alternate)  Jesse Lazar (Vice Chair)        Steve MacDonald (Member)        Janet McEwen (Member)   Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)       Megan Osgood (Land Use Assistant)         Sarah VanderWende (Member)

7:00PM Public Meeting:

Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  He appointed Ms. Cahoon as an alternate because Mr. Lazar was not in attendance.  

  • Role of the Land Use Assistant
A discussion ensued as to if the Land Use Assistant (Megan Osgood) should be in charge of taking the meeting minutes.

It was decided that she would continue to take the meeting minutes on a temporary basis and then it will be revisited after the election.

A planning secretary needs to be revisited.

Mr. Webber stated that the RSA states people, subjects and the vote is what needs to be included.  The meeting minutes do not have to be a transcript but a brief discussion on the topics at hand and then the board’s vote.  He stated it was important to list each member and how the board voted.

They asked Ms. Osgood’s opinion and she conveyed that she was new at taking minutes and would need a lot of help.

  • SEC Update
Chair Condon spoke on the SEC meeting that he attended.  He said that it was short in content but very beneficial.

Gordon Webber made a motion to the Board encouraging the SEC to take jurisdiction over the Antrim Wind Project.

Ms. Cahoon seconded.

The board discussed the impact this would have and if the town would feel like they were not doing their job.

Further discussion ensued.

SEC Docket#2015-5

Roll Call Vote:
McEwen, No-Cahoon, Yes-MacDonald, Yes-Frosch, Yes-Condon, Yes-Webber, Yes- VanderWende.

Business Meeting:

Approve January 8, 2015  Meeting Minutes

A motion to accept the meeting minutes from the January 8, 2015 meeting was made by Mr. MacDonald and was seconded by Ms. VanderWende.

Workshops & Trainings:

21st Annual Spring Planning & Zoning Conference – Saturday, May 2 – Registration details soon – FYI

Mr. Webber moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 pm: Mr. Frosch seconded.  All agreed to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Megan Osgood, Secretary for the Land Use Boards.